Unity Tutorial 06

 While the skill I have learnt this week aren't essential to getting my game working as a prototype the animations for running are extremely useful in creating a more immersive world that the player will surely enjoy. The sound effects are also essential in the same way as the animations in creating this immersive world that the player can enjoy and with the skills I have learnt I can't wait to experiment with the sound effects necessary for the game to be as immersive as my game can be. The challenge that had the balloon floating upwards while dodging bombs but also having the ability to pick up coins was something that really excited me as I have expressed a desire earlier on in the coursework and my blog that I would like to include some form of collectible that would allow the player to improve their score or would be used to create some form of booster once they filled up the power metre though I feel that is two advanced. Despite encountering issues in the weeks coming up to this tutorial with Unity I found no issue whatsoever with this tutorial and everything seemed to work just fine 

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  1. Hey Cormac, Im glad everything went smoothly this week for you with the tutorials! I have also found it fine and everything went accordingly to plan. I was not a fan of the balloon challenge, I found it quite boring. Im glad we finally learned to apply background music and sfx to a game. I hope your game is coming along well.
    See you on campus .


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