Unity Tutorial 03
This week's Unity tutorial was a breath of fresh air as we have finally moved on from the first set of tutorials with the car to the second set with the farmer and the food. My favourite part of the tutorials was setting a sort of out of bounds or "kill-zone" in which if an asset in the game reaches a certain distance it is destroyed and completely wiped out, this reminded me off making maps in "Forge mode" from the Halo series in which you could set hard or soft kill-zones but without the coding involved.
I encountered only one problem during the tutorials when instead of the food being thrown by the player they instead lay on the ground, I was unable to figure out what the exact problem was causing this issue so I ended up repeating said tutorial and it seemed to figure itself out.
I do believe I will be able to use some of the newly learned skills from these tutorials directly into my game such as moving left and right and possibly the ability to throw objects may be useful as part of some secondary game mechanic that may or may not be implemented into my game.
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