Unity Tutorial 07
This week's Unity tutorial provided me with a useful resource that while not essential to my game is an idea or concept that I would like to incorporate into my game. The idea of a powerup is a great way to add variety to a game and it helps to increase the sense of quasi-omnipotence that gives the player a rush knowing that gaming is all reward and no risk within its parameters. I enjoyed the tutorial very much but i will have to adapt a lot of the material to suit my own game as the powerup increases player force I would be more interested in a score multiplier or invincibility similar to that of the star powerup in "Super Mario" games. My biggest challenge that I feel I would struggle with is creating a unique design to highlight the invincibility powerup's active state with the idea of a simple colour change in the asset along with an effect similar to the ground on the dirt when moving from previous unity tutorials. I cannot wait to learn more and I hope the future tutorials will be able to provide me with an idea that will further enhance my game.
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